An expert system for diagnosis of respiratory diseases, including the infamous COVID-19.
Ray Jasson
This is a simple expert system for diagnosis of respiratory diseases written in JavaScript. The expert system is developed using rools, a small rule engine for Node.js, and Handlebars.js, a semantic templating language for JavaScript. Try it here!
UI of the expert system
A total of 16 respiratory diseases have been selected for differential diagnosis:
The differential diagnosis is based on a set of 13 factors that are categorized into:
The Iterative Dichotomiser 3 (ID3) algorithm is used to generate a decision tree for the expert system. The decision tree can be converted into a comparable rule set in which each rule corresponds to a possible path from the root node to any leaf node. The rule set is used as the rule engine for the expert system.
The decision tree
Note that only 9 out of 13 factors are used to extract the decision rules.
This is due to 2 rationales:
The decision rules are transformed into JavaScript code using rools. For example:
const { Rools, Rule } = require('rools');
const rules = [];
rules[0] = new Rule({
name: "pertussis and influenza diagnosis",
when: [
facts => facts.wheezing === "N",
facts => facts.cough === "dry",
facts => facts.coughingUpBlood === "N",
facts => facts.chestPain === "N",
facts => facts.rapidBreathing === "N",
facts => facts.rapidHeartbeat === "N",
then: facts => {
facts.disease = ["pertussis", "influenza"];
facts.percentage = [evaluate("pertussis", facts, data),
evaluate("influenza", facts, data)];
rules[1] = new Rule({
name: "influenza diagnosis 2",
when: [
facts => facts.wheezing === "N",
facts => facts.cough === "dry",
facts => facts.coughingUpBlood === "N",
facts => facts.chestPain === "N",
facts => facts.rapidBreathing === "N",
facts => facts.rapidHeartbeat === "Y",
then: facts => {
facts.disease = "influenza";
facts.percentage = evaluate("influenza", facts, data);
Download the code, and from the root directory, run:
npm install
npm devstart
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
This app is also deployed on Heroku.